Youtube barney and friends season 1
Youtube barney and friends season 1

youtube barney and friends season 1

Bringing it up to Barney later, he tells her that her family's love is a wonderful size. Barney comes to see the others' projects for the special night, while she is in sorrow. All except for Kathy, who feels her family is too small. Family Night is coming up the following week and the kids are having fun with families in different ways. The kids imagine one last time, pretending the playground platform is a rocket ship. This plan works, and soon the sky is clear once more. While the rain still pours, Michael comes up with the idea of putting on a parade to make the rain stop.

youtube barney and friends season 1 youtube barney and friends season 1

After the robot performs his song, Michael reveals that it was him inside the robot. Shawn, after hearing this, finds a teapot to use as the head, but as soon as Barney puts it on, the robot comes to life. As the kids struggle to find a head for the robot, Barney asks Michael to recite the " Anything String" poem, which shows that even simple things can turn into something else with imagination. Barney brings The Barney Bag out to help the kids bring the robot to life. When Michael finds some boxes, Min comes up with trying to build a robot. In the classroom, everyone finds ways to use their imagination, like Tina's pretend tea party. Coincidentally, a thunderstorm begins after they finish singing. The kids look up at the clouds and start to see shapes, which Tina imagines a tasty rain. Barney explains that imagination can turn things into other things. She wishes to see Barney (who is dubbed "the royal dinosaur"), later making him king. Min becomes "The Queen Of Make-Believe" and Michael, Shawn, and Tina are the castle staff. 7 Papers of Season 1 Made By: The Children for 30 Episodes.6 Tape 1 to 4 (The Complete First Season).5 Barney & Friends The Complete First Season (Tape 1), (Tape 2), (Tape 3) & (Tape 4).4 Season 1 Theme Song, Complete Episodes with Barney Says & Credits.

Youtube barney and friends season 1